
About Me

Strange profile picture, so you think.  Well, this photograph is a metaphor for my life.  This sidewalk is a bit uneven and weathered.  It can be somewhat difficult to navigate.  One has to be very careful not to trip and fall.  Each "block" on this sidewalk represents a milestone.  A milestone can be as simple as making it out the door in the morning.  Most milestones, however, are a bit tougher to achieve--like serving on a school committee to address the achievement gap of our most vulnerable students.

Sure it would be easier to walk the path of a perfectly flat and flawless sidewalk.  There are no hazards, nothing to watch out for, and no challenges.  But the rewards for walking such a path are few.

Are you wondering where I photographed the beautiful sidewalk above?  Follow me on twitter and you will find out.



  1. Robert, I hope you and especially your wife are doing well. We are here to help.
    Your family continues to be in our thoughts and prayers.
    See you soon,
