
Thursday, November 8, 2012


The Leadership Lesson from Nelson Mandela that resonated most with me was the following:

Forgive and forget. When Mandela first took office, he noticed that the white staff are packing their stuff because they thought a black president would not want white staff in the office. Mandela hold a staff meeting immediately and told all his staff, “What past, past.” He added, “we need your help…we want your help…” Note that the white South African imprisoned Mandela for 27 years. So it took an extraordinary effort from Mandela to “forgive and forget.” and yet he had done it effortlessly and sincerely (at least that’s how the movie portrayed him to be).

I think that this lesson holds true not just for leaders, but for everyone.  If we refuse to forgive someone, it is almost impossible to move on with our own lives.  I often say that if a person holds on to grudges and to resentments, the only one who he is hurting is himself.  Why use your energy in this way?  Isn't it better to, at the very least, accept what has happened and then move on?  Right before I began this assignment, I an article that Gabrielle Gifford, through her husband Mark Kelly, told her shooter, Loughner, that she was finished thinking about him.  Wow, what an inspiring comment.  Gabrielle is basically free herself from the horrible experience that she went through.  She was a victim once, but she refuses to continue to be a victim.  She is allowing herself to go on with her life.  What would it be like for her if she decided to hold on to what happened and not forget it?  It takes a big person to move on and not to allow hate and resentment to take over.  This is true for Mandela also.  After spending 27 years in prison, you would think that he would want revenge on his oppressors ... but no!Gifford Story I believe that he found it in his heart to forgive and to move on.  If Mandela and Gifford can do this despite the horror that they experienced, we should be able to do the same. 

Gifford Story  Go to this link. 

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