
Thursday, November 1, 2012

This video is a few years old, but it does a great job explaining the algorithmic ways in which information on the Internet is personalized for us. . .is this good or bad? What do you think about this?

The video is well worth the time. . .please respond in a blog post

Facebook and google edit out search results based on what users choose to link to.  Other factors are used as well to determine what google links users to.  Different users get different results based on the algorithms that facebook and google use.  Yahoo news, Huffington Post and others use these algorithms also.  The Internet tailors results for individuals.  A "filter bubble" is the user's unique world of information.  Users don't know what else is available out there.  Netflex is an example of how these algorithms are operationalized in a better way.  The best editing gives us a better information diet.  We are going from human gatekeepers to algorithmic ones.  Algorithms have no ethics.  We need sites like TED that show both sides of an issue.  We need the new gatekeepers to encode a sense of civic responsibility into them.  Users need to have some control over what gets through and what doesn't.  We need to be connected to new people and new ideas.  We should not be isolated into a web of one.

I completely understand the point that is being made in this TED Talk.  Isn't there a simple solution like allowing users to check a box in order to get "Wildcard" results for a search?  I know that this video is a couple of years old.  I wonder what has changed since then?  I don't see any evil intent behind using the alorithms.  I think that it is just the programers way of making search results more relevant.  Nonetheless, users should be able to get results that are not tailored or personalized for individuals without having the option to see more. 

By the way, have you noticed that if you do an Internet search for some type of product, you get a million emails from companies trying to sell you that product?  Also, you get a bunch of ads related to the product that I searched for!  This is very annoying.  Can I turn that function off?   

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