
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Different Spin on the SDCUE Conference

Many cohort members may be writing about the great sessions that they attended at the SDCUE conference.    They may be writing about how they are going to apply a great app that was demonstrated.  Some may even write about the great food and snacks that were made available to conferences attendees.  While these are all great topics, I am going to write about something that you can't feel or touch or probably even see.  I am referring to the social networking that took place at the conference.  Through their attendance at this conference, people were given the opportunity to connect and reflect with one another.  These relationships that were built will allow the for the fluid transfer of knowledge and even the creation of new and innovative ideas between and among these educators.  The power of these relationships may carry some folks through difficult or challenging times with the technologies that they are learning. An added benefit to this conference is something that Jeff spoke about in class.  Attendees, because of the technologies that are available to us, will continue to grow relationships related to this conference through twitter and other social networking applications.  Gone are the days when the conference ends when the last vendor leaves the exhibition hall.  Happily, the learning can go on and on.  There is no limit to the possibilities for collaboration.  The sky is the limit.    

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