
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Visitors and Residents by Dr. White--Write a blog post reflecting on where you are in this continuum and how you see your future on the Internet. Please share on Twitter with the appropriate hashtag(s) and comment on your peers' posts as well.

First of all, I appreciate how White describes the way that most people view Prensky's Principal of Natives and Immigrants. White explains that most people view natives as young people and Immigrants as old people (like me). More accurately, Prensky had a more subtle difference in mind--something like immigrants have accents and natives do not. While this framework is interesting and probably helps to explain most of our differences in attitudes and use of technology, it does not tell the whole story. Each person views technology differently and has a different relationship with technology.

White's framework about technology attitudes and use is very interesting and probably captures the various nuances more accurately than Prensky's. Using the metaphor of Visitors and Residents, White describes how different people interact with technology, how often, with what ease, and the extent of their online presence or visibility. White is clearly aware that a person's "status" may change over time. He states that a person's presence may "erode" and "fade away."

Where am I on this continuum? I am somewhere between a visitor and a resident. I have a "persona" on the web because I use a number of social networking sites. I am also connected with a number of online websites because of my work in San Diego Unified School District. I am generally motivated to learn new applications and tools, so I try to stay pretty current. I would expect that my online presence will grow in the coming years as I learn and become more comfortable with marketing our department and myself.

1 comment:

  1. So I guess this means if you're willing to continue learning and using these social networking tools, you'll be a resident in no time! I'll make sure to swing by and say hi when I visit. :-)
