
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The second major theme that I noticed in the TED Talk by Michael Wesch is that the way we "educate" our students needs to change. It is no longer sufficient to simply give "knowledge" to our students. It is more important to provide them with the capacity to solve problems and to use their knowledge in ways that are relevant to their lives, their community, their country, and the world around them. I agree in theory with Wesch, but learning how to teach this way is not easy. I think about my daughter who is currently taking AP Statistics. She is required to learn many statistical models. She applies her knowledge to fictional scenarios. I wonder what her teacher could do to make this work more relevant to my daughter and the other students in the class. Perhaps he could have students collect data sets on a real life problem that affects students at the school. Students could analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics and then offer findings and implications to the administration.

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